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Coconut Shrimp Dip


Elysia Tessler's grandmother, Jean Boomer Allan, gave The Food Gang this recipe, withch is a staple in all their grand cocktail parties!

3/4 cup cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup sour cream
2 green onions, sliced finely
1/4 teaspoon curry powder
salt and white pepper (to taste)
1 cup coconut, grated fresh or grated unsweetened (pkg)
1-2 cups shrimp, diced
a few whole shrimps for garnish

Blend softened cream cheese and sour cream. Add sliced green onions, curry, salt and pepper.

Mix in diced shrimp and coconut. Taste and adjust seasonings.
Add a bit more sour cream to soften if using as a dip. Otherwise, serve with a butter knife and crackers, as a spread.

NOTES - The first time we made this, we wrestled with a fresh coconut in the kitchen, on the wooden deck, and finally on the sidewalk when we finally bashed it open! Of course, we lost the juice, but did get the fresh coconut which was incredibly difficult to separate from the shell. Later Grandmother Allan explained that you needed to puncture the coconut through its "eyes", and then heat in the oven so that the meat would separate easily from the shell... We've used prepared unsweetened coconut ever since, but by all means, experiment!

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