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Cod Fillets with Shrimp Sauce

(Shrimp Sauce):
2 Tbsp. Butter
1 1/2 Tbsp. Flour
1 Cup Hot Beef Broth
1/2 Cup Dry White Wine
6 oz. Freshly Sliced Mushrooms
4 oz. Fresh Shrimp
2 Tsp. Lemon Juice
2 Egg Yolks

Garnish: Lemon Slices, Parsley

Instructions: Sprinkle Cod with Lemon Juice and let stand 10 minutes

Season to taste with Salt and Pepper

Heat Butter in Large Skillet, add Fish and Brown well, about 10 minutes on each side.

Add Onion and cook until golden.

Stir in Parsley

Pour in Wine and Simmer for 5 minutes

Remove Fillets to pre-heated platter, keep warm in oven; reserve pan drippings.

Prepare Sauce: Melt butter in Saucepan. Stir in Flour.

Pour in Broth and reserved pan drippings.

Add Wine and let simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

Season to taste with Lemon Juice and Salt.

Remove small amount of sauce and blend with the egg yolks; return to sauce. Stir thoroughly.

Heat through, but don't boil (yolks will curdle).

Pour over Cod; Garnish with Lemon slices and Parsley

serves 4


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